VERSION 5.00 Begin VB.Form frmDisplay AutoRedraw = -1 'True BackColor = &H00000000& BorderStyle = 3 'Fixed Dialog ClientHeight = 8595 ClientLeft = 150 ClientTop = 1050 ClientWidth = 10365 ControlBox = 0 'False Icon = "frmDisplay.frx":0000 LinkTopic = "Form1" MaxButton = 0 'False MinButton = 0 'False MouseIcon = "frmDisplay.frx":08CA MousePointer = 99 'Custom ScaleHeight = 8595 ScaleWidth = 10365 ShowInTaskbar = 0 'False WindowState = 2 'Maximized Begin VB.PictureBox picBack AutoRedraw = -1 'True AutoSize = -1 'True BackColor = &H00000000& Height = 23595 Left = -22800 ScaleHeight = 23535 ScaleWidth = 27420 TabIndex = 0 Top = -19320 Visible = 0 'False Width = 27480 End Begin VB.PictureBox picBuf AutoRedraw = -1 'True AutoSize = -1 'True BackColor = &H00000000& BorderStyle = 0 'None Height = 6735 Left = -3840 ScaleHeight = 6735 ScaleWidth = 8850 TabIndex = 2 Top = -2040 Width = 8850 End Begin VB.PictureBox picSpr AutoRedraw = -1 'True AutoSize = -1 'True Height = 6915 Left = 360 Picture = "frmDisplay.frx":0A1C ScaleHeight = 6855 ScaleWidth = 4035 TabIndex = 1 Top = -600 Visible = 0 'False Width = 4095 End Attribute VB_Name = "frmDisplay" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False 'variables must be declared before use Option Explicit '=========================================================' '=========================================================' '=============== RPG Game Version 0.0.4 ==================' '============== Written by Matthew Eagar =================' '============ Compiled in Visual Basic 6.0 ===============' '=========================================================' '=========================================================' ' This program is a work in progress. As of yet it has no ' actual plot, so it's not really a playable game. ' I'm thinking towards making it almost like a MUD (you know ' those text based RPG's?), except graphical. That's something ' fore the future though... ' This isn't ment to be a full game, just a working engine. ' there is no actual objective. I havn't yet got doors ' working, because that would require me to draw some more ' textures for the insides of houses, which takes FOREVER! ' Also, the textures could REALLY use some work, ' as they were drawn in MS Paint. ' This program may not run well on some computers. ' The method used, bitblt, works well, but isn't designed for games. ' It runs fine on a Pentium 233, but slow on a P75. I havn't tested ' it on anything in between those. ' I'm still working on this, so look for me to post newer versions ' of it. It'll remain free, and it's really ment for educational purposes. ' Check on for my latest entries. I'll eventually ' be opening my own web page, but for now I'm posting source code there. ' Please contact me with ANY questions, comments, suggestions, or problems, ' ANY input is welcome: ' email: ' ICQ: 45058462 ' Also, I havn't tested this on any computer running anything less then VB6. ' I did run it in vb5, but it took some work. ' You will need the VB6 runtime files the use this. ' ==================================================================== ' Updates and Improvements over various versions: ' Updates to Version 0.0.2: ' ========================= ' -Added side scrolling and top scrolling ' -Rechanged the map size from 13x11 to 30x30 tiles to accomidate side scrolling ' -Added Bridge Tiles for bridge construction ' -Added sound effects ' -re-wrote most of movement code ' Updates to Version 0.0.3: ' ========================= ' -Texture tiles redrawn in greater detail ' -Game speed increased by using While loop instead of timer ' -Options menu added, for adjusting game speed, and walking speed for slower/ ' faster systems. ' -Removed the usage of the Plus / Minus keys for game speed, because there ' is now 2 kinds of speed adjustments, game and walking ' Updates to Version 0.0.4: ' ========================= ' -Added resolution code for changing the resolution and color depth ' -Added neet startup menu ' -Began implimenting character classes ' -Added many new graphics for character classes ' -Redrew character sprite in much greater detail. Dim animX As Integer 'holds the current x location of the animation frame Dim animY As Integer 'holds the current y location of the animation frame Dim direction As Integer 'the direction the characters facing Dim charX As Integer 'holds the character's x coords Dim charY As Integer 'holds the character's y coords Dim lastX As Integer 'holds the character's last y coords Dim lastY As Integer 'holds the character's last x coords Dim BackBuilt As Integer 'determines if the back ground needs to be built 'map variables Dim mapX As Integer 'holds the current map x number Dim mapY As Integer 'holds the current map y number Dim mapArea As String 'the current map mapArea Dim MapName As String 'holds the name of the map 'the location of the screen Dim screenX As Integer 'holds the current location of the screen on the map Dim screenY As Integer 'holds the current location of the screen on the map Dim charPosX As Integer 'holds the coords to center the character on the screen Dim charPosY As Integer 'holds the coords to center the character on the screen Dim sound As Boolean 'holds whether to play sounds or not Dim moving As Integer 'holds whether the character is moving or not Dim changeFrame As Integer 'holds when the frame should be changed (animation is much to fast with out this) Dim sndStep1 As String 'holds the path of the "step sound" 'symbolic constants 'directions Const dLEFT As Integer = 1 'left direction Const dUP As Integer = 2 'up direction Const dRIGHT As Integer = 3 'right direction Const dDOWN As Integer = 4 'down direction 'animation frames Const aLEFT As Integer = 133 'left animation Const aUP As Integer = 67 'up animation Const aRIGHT As Integer = 199 'right animation Const aDOWN As Integer = 1 'down animation 'when the user presses a key Private Sub picBuf_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) Dim X As Integer 'counting variable 'if movement, turn the mouse cursor into the invisible icon. 'simply making a mouse cursor that was invisible is easier 'then using API calls. frmDisplay.MouseIcon = frmTextures.picInvisible.Picture If moving <> 1 Then 'determine how to act, based on which key the user presses. Select Case KeyCode Case Is = 37 'left arrow key animX = aLEFT 'set the animation frame to the proper direction direction = dLEFT 'set the direction Case Is = 38 'up arrow key animX = aUP 'set the animation frame to the proper direction direction = dUP Case Is = 39 'right arrow key animX = aRIGHT direction = dRIGHT Case Is = 40 'down arrow key animX = aDOWN direction = dDOWN Case Is = 27 'escape key 'play the button sound Call sndPlaySound(sndButton, &H1) 'show the startup window, and hide this one frmStartup.Show frmDisplay.Hide frmStartup.SetFocus Case Is = 83 'the S key 'turn sound on or off If sound = True Then sound = False Else sound = True End If End Select redrawPic 'moving <> 1 makes it so that the moveChar sub can't be called more then 'once by holding the keydown If KeyCode >= 37 And KeyCode <= 40 And moving <> 1 Then 'if a direction key's been pressed 'indicate that the character is moving moving = 1 End If End If End Sub Private Sub picBuf_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) 'indicate that the character isn't moving moving = 0 'return the character to the intital frame, so they don't look like 'they've taken half a step animY = 1 Call redrawPic End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() 'initialize the variables animX = 1 animY = 1 sound = True BackBuilt = False If Right(App.Path, 1) = "\" Then sndStep1 = App.Path & "1.wav" Else sndStep1 = App.Path & "\1.wav" End If 'maps are loaded in the following way: 'take the mapX, then add the letter 'a' then take the mapY, then add ".map" 'so, the first map is called, the map beside it is called ', and the map above the first is called 'eventually the middle letter will stand for the mapArea, eg a = lev 1, b = lev 2 mapX = 0 'the current map mapY = 0 mapArea = "a" 'the initial mapArea Speed = 15 'set the initial walking speed picBuf.Height = 7100 picBuf.Width = 9500 picBuf.Left = 50 'center the main picture box picBuf.Top = 50 'set the origional location of the character, which is held in charX and charY, but 'calculated from screenX and screenY screenX = 0 screenY = 0 'charPosX is the distance of the character from the left side of the screen 'charPosY is the distance from the top charPosX = picBuf.Width * 0.03 'center the character on the screen charPosY = picBuf.Height * 0.03 'calculate the origional location of the character charX = screenX + charPosX charY = screenY + charPosY Call BuildBack 'build the back ground Call redrawPic 'load the pic into the main pic box While (1) 'main program loop If moving = 1 Then If touching() <> 1 Then 'move the character in the proper direction If direction = dLEFT Then screenX = screenX - Speed ElseIf direction = dUP Then screenY = screenY - Speed ElseIf direction = dRIGHT Then screenX = screenX + Speed ElseIf direction = dDOWN Then screenY = screenY + Speed End If charX = screenX + charPosX charY = screenY + charPosY If changeFrame = 1 Then 'this causes the frame to be updated once every 2 loops animY = animY + 57 'advance the frame, each frame is 50 pixels wide, + a 1 pixel border changeFrame = 0 'there are 8 frames in the character's animation: this sees if the last frame has 'been shown. if it has, it resets it to the first. If animY >= 408 Then animY = 1 'goes to first frame 'play the foot step sound If sound = True Then Call sndPlaySound(sndStep1, &H1) ElseIf animY >= 204 And animY <= 255 Then 'play the foot step sound If sound = True Then Call sndPlaySound(sndStep1, &H1) End If Else 'if the frame isn't changed this time, change it next time. changeFrame = 1 End If Else 'if the char is touching something in the current direction, 'indicate the character isn't moving moving = 0 'return the character to the first frame, so that they don't look 'like they've taken half a step animY = 1 Call redrawPic 'stop this sub End If 'see if the back ground has been built If BackBuilt = False Then 'build the background Call BuildBack BackBuilt = True End If 'see if the character has left the screen, by checking if the character's 'x or y position is greater then the total amount of tiles If screenX + 25 >= 1200 - charPosX Then 'if the character has left the right side of the screen mapX = mapX + 1 'set the current map name to the next map name screenX = 10 - charPosX - 25 'set the character's position back to the left side of the screen Call BuildBack 'redraw the back ground Call redrawPic 'reload the screen ElseIf screenX + 25 <= 0 - charPosX Then 'see if the character has left the left side of the screen mapX = mapX - 1 'set the current map name to the next map name screenX = 1190 - charPosX - 25 'set the character position to the right side of the screen Call BuildBack 'redraw the back ground Call redrawPic 'reload the screen ElseIf screenY + 25 <= 0 - charPosY Then 'see if the character has left the top of the screen mapY = mapY + 1 'set the current map name to the next map name screenY = 1190 - charPosY - 25 'set the characters position to the bottom of the screen Call BuildBack 'redraw the back ground Call redrawPic 'reload the screen ElseIf screenY + 25 >= 1200 - charPosY Then 'see if the character has left the bottom of the screen mapY = mapY - 1 'set the current map name to the next map name screenY = 10 - charPosY - 25 'move the character to the top of the screen Call BuildBack 'redraw the back ground Call redrawPic 'reload the screen End If End If Call redrawPic 'redraws the form delay DoEvents 'allow for keyup Wend End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, animX As Single, animY As Single) 'turn the mouse icon into the visible icon frmDisplay.MouseIcon = frmTextures.picVisible.Picture End Sub 'assembles the back ground Sub BuildBack() 'this sub builds the back ground. It is called only once per map, 'as the map is built in a hidden pic box, and kept untill the next map is needed. Dim g As Integer 'counting variable Dim X As Integer 'holds x coords of tile Dim Y As Integer 'holds y coords of tile On Error GoTo errHandler 'set the name of the map If Right(App.Path, 1) = "\" Then MapName = App.Path & mapX & mapArea & mapY & ".map" Else MapName = App.Path & "\" & mapX & mapArea & mapY & ".map" End If 'read the textures and the walkable values from the map file Open MapName For Input As #1 For g = 0 To 899 Input #1, Texture(g), Walkable(g), mapXStored(g), mapYStored(g), mapAreaStored(g) Next g Close 'clear the picture box which will hold the back ground picBack.Cls X = 0 Y = 0 'loop through each tile, getting it with bitblt from frmTextures, and putting it into 'the picBack pic box. For g = 0 To 899 tileLeft(g) = X tileTop(g) = Y Call BitBlt(picBack.hdc, X, Y, 40, 40, frmTextures.picTextures(Texture(g)).hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) Y = Y + 40 'if a column has been finished, goto the next one If Y >= 1200 Then Y = 0 X = X + 40 End If Next g 'by-pass error handler GoTo endsub 'for errors errHandler: MsgBox "Error number " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Dragon Lore" MsgBox MapName & " was not found or was corrupted. Please re-install this program." End endsub: End Sub Sub redrawPic() 'this function draws the picture to the screen. 'black out the old picture picBuf.Cls 'Copy the back ground to the buffer pic box Call BitBlt(picBuf.hdc, 0, 0, 2900, 9500, picBack.hdc, screenX, screenY, SRCCOPY) 'Copy the first layer of the sprite to the buffer 'this mask is like a negative, it is a black shadow of the character, 'sourouneded by white (see picSpr). when added using SRCAND, every other color 'except black becomes transparent. So only the black figure is left Call BitBlt(picBuf.hdc, charPosX, charPosY, 32, 56, picSpr.hdc, animX + 33, animY, SRCAND) 'Copy the second layer of the sprite to the buffer, for transparent effect. 'this copys the color onto the black, using SRCINVERT, which makes it like copying 'the colors onto white, so the colors stay the same. Call BitBlt(picBuf.hdc, charPosX, charPosY, 32, 56, picSpr.hdc, animX, animY, SRCINVERT) 'refresh the picture picBuf.Refresh End Sub Private Function touching() As Integer Dim g As Integer ' counting variable Dim tmpX As Integer Dim tmpY As Integer 'this looks at the direction the character is moving, and sees if the next step 'will put the character onto a tile which has a walkable value of 1, which is 'either water trees or a building. If it is, it returns 1. if not, it returns 0. tmpX = 0 tmpY = 0 'check each tile 'I'm looking for ways to OPTIMIZE this!! Email me with suggestions! For g = 0 To 899 'only proceed to check a tile if it is within a certain radius of the character, 'and if it is a tree/water/wall If Abs((charX + 16) - (tileLeft(g) + 20)) < 160 And Abs((charY + 16) - (tileTop(g) + 20)) < 160 And (Walkable(g) = 1 Or Walkable(g) = 2) Then If direction = dLEFT Then 'if the character is walking left 'check the left side of the character If charX - Speed > tileLeft(g) And charX - Speed < tileLeft(g) + 40 Then 'check the lower left corner If charY + 50 > tileTop(g) And charY + 50 < tileTop(g) + 40 Then GoTo endsub 'check the top left corner ElseIf charY + 35 > tileTop(g) And charY + 35 < tileTop(g) + 40 Then GoTo endsub End If End If ElseIf direction = dUP Then 'if the character is walking up 'check the top side of the character If charY + 30 - Speed > tileTop(g) And charY + 30 - 10 < tileTop(g) + 40 Then 'check the top right corner If charX + 30 > tileLeft(g) And charX + 30 < tileLeft(g) + 40 Then GoTo endsub 'check to top left corner ElseIf charX > tileLeft(g) And charX < tileLeft(g) + 40 Then GoTo endsub End If End If ElseIf direction = dRIGHT Then 'if the character is walking right 'check the right side of the character If charX + 30 + Speed > tileLeft(g) And charX + 30 + Speed < tileLeft(g) + 40 Then 'check the right top corner 'check the lower left corner If charY + 50 > tileTop(g) And charY + 50 < tileTop(g) + 40 Then GoTo endsub 'check the top left corner ElseIf charY + 35 > tileTop(g) And charY + 35 < tileTop(g) + 40 Then GoTo endsub End If End If ElseIf direction = dDOWN Then 'if the character is walking down 'check the bottom side of the character If charY + 50 + Speed > tileTop(g) And charY + 50 + Speed < tileTop(g) + 40 Then 'check the bottom right side If charX + 30 > tileLeft(g) And charX + 30 < tileLeft(g) + 40 Then GoTo endsub 'check to bottom left corner ElseIf charX > tileLeft(g) And charX < tileLeft(g) + 40 Then GoTo endsub End If End If End If End If Next g touching = 0 GoTo endFunct endsub: If Walkable(g) = 1 Then touching = 1 ElseIf Walkable(g) = 2 Then moving = 0 mapX = mapXStored(g) mapY = mapYStored(g) mapArea = mapAreaStored(g) BuildBack End If endFunct: End Function 'delays the system for 'wait' amount of time Sub delay() Dim a As Double, b As Double a = Timer b = Timer While a < b + wait a = Timer Wend End Sub Private Sub picBuf_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) 'turn the mouse icon into the visible icon frmDisplay.MouseIcon = frmTextures.picVisible.Picture End Sub